Executive summary by Joe Martin
As an African American teacher, I've had the privilege of teaching at both a historically black school (88% African Americans) and a predominantly white school (80% Caucasian). Since I teach communication courses, I am required to discuss diversity issues as part of the lesson plan.
Since I was reared in one of the toughest inner city ghettos in Miami and I'm an African American, people (including my colleagues) just assume I have an easier time discussing and addressing diversity issues among African American students.
I'm sure at both schools (black and white), my students and I have even more differences that I'm unaware of.
I've never been afraid to tell students (the truth) about my own personal biases, misconceptions, prejudices, and stereotypes concerning race, religion, economics, age, gender, etc.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Martin
Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn
Executive summary By Adam Waxler
Motivating students to learn is a struggle that all teachers face.
The truth is Motivating Students
Here are six effective strategies for motivating students to learn I do at the beginning of lessons:
1. Use critical thinking questions ~ Then, at the end of the lesson, the teacher can take another poll to see if the student's opinions have changed.
2. Use music to teach ~ Music is one of the most underrated learning tools and is a great way to spark student interest.
3. Use video ~
4. Relate what students are learning to what is going on in the "real world". This is obviously easier done with some subjects than others, but it can be done. Students need to know "why" they are learning something.
5. Relate what students are learning to what is important to them.
6. Use technology...or rather, have the student use technology to learn.
Increasing student motivation to learn can be challenging, but it is an essential element in being an effective teacher.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Waxler
Tips in Motivating Students
Executive summary By Lance Ruch
Here are some tips to maintain student's interest.
Classroom management is a skills that teacher learn gradually.
1. Praises should be informal.
2. Give him additional task after the classes. The task should be unusual to the student so it will not serve as ordinary teachers favor. Asking student to check test paper involve great trust to the student.
3. Show to the student some respect by asking their opinion in matured problem. It means the problem should not be included in the lesson. It might be political, social or environmental. This question will motivate the student to think of the future.
4. Be watchful on student specific development.
5. Avoid creating intense competition among students.
6. Find student interest and once you have it, exhaust more effort to bring the new task to satisfactory level.
7. Vary your teaching methods periodically.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Ruch
Motivating Students Through Self Goal Setting
Executive summary By Koz Huseyin
Imagine for a moment a student's formal educational life.
Why is motivating students through self goal setting important? Humans are like goal striving organisms.
Goal setting becomes an important aspect not just in material goals, but also other aspects, such as today, in the student's education.
Goal setting and goal achievement do 2 things. The first is that the achievement of a goal allows the student to gain confidence.
Shy people become confident, and failing students become major successes. Motivating students through self goal setting is the best way to get students to think for themselves.
If there is one gift that you can give your students it is motivating students through self goal setting.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Koz_Huseyin