Executive Summary by Richard Romando
Different types of quotes include amusing quotes, friendship quotes, love quotes, and motivational quotes (
1001 Motivational Quotes for Success: Great Quotes from Great Minds
Motivation quotes are found effective in motivating others, inspiring and stimulating them. Motivation quotes can be accompanied by breathtaking photographs of nature scenes, ambient music, and artifacts. Sports motivational quotes, business motivational quotes, student motivational quotes, teen motivational quotes, employee motivational quotes, and weight loss motivational quotes are some of the different types of motivational quotes.
Motivational quotes help to improve employee productivity, improve your financial position and security, and accelerate the achievement of your goals. Majority of motivational quotes come from artists, noted athletes, business leaders, entertainers, historical leaders, great thinkers, and philosophers. Motivational quotes of great leaders, writers, and poets can help you feel more encouraged.
It includes quotes about motivation, how to motivate, and how to get motivated. In most of the websites, motivation quotes are organized by categories. A wide range of motivational quotes for personal development, success, professional achievement, and positive life change are found in the Internet.
Motivational Quotes About Aspiration and Life
Executive Summary by Shawn B
When you read a quotation from some enlightened author, you're getting right down into their best material. Here are ten motivational quotes based on the topics of aspiration and life that I have always loved. -Herbert N. Casson
Only in proportion as we are desirous of living do we really live. - Jose Ortega y Gasset
3. It is asked, how can the laboring man find time for self-culture? I answer that an earnest purpose finds time or makes it. It seizes on spare moments and turns fragments to golden account. -Channing
4. Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. -Thomas Edison
-Margaret Fuller
6. I know of no more encouraging fact than the ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. -Thoreau
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain
In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. -Thoreau
10. 1) Sit quietly for a moment, and you realize how you have been foolishly running about.
2) Learn to keep your mouth shut, and you realize you have been talking too much. -Chen Chiju (1588-1639)
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