Executive Summary By Tanisha Adjokatcher
Too many times, people say don't and can't before even trying something. If these words come before any statement, you're pretty much setting yourself up for failure. Your subconscious, which runs the show in your life interprets this as a goal or task that is unattainable. Don't and can't brings in doubt that can affect performance.
Success = Hard work
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tanisha_Adjokatcher
Achievement Diary - How it Can Change Your Life!
Executive Summary By Brian J Maxwell
Let me explain what an Achievement
diary is, an achievement diary is the best way to keep an account of all of your accomplishments whether they are big or small. The power that an achievement diary has on your ability to stay motivated is tremendous.
This achievement diary is a great way to keep track of your growth and progress.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_J_Maxwell
Academic Achievement and Student Economic Disadvantage
Executive Summary By Jack Marinchek
Douglas B. Reeves, May 5, filed in Teachers of Color Magazine, Spring 2009, "Uncovering Secrets of High Poverty, High Success Schools," states that there are no secrets. Having effective teaching and leadership are the instrumental factors that propel successful academic achievement by disadvantaged students.
*A focus on academic achievement
*Clear curriculum choices
*Frequent assessment of student progress and multiple opportunities for improvement
*Importance of non-fiction writing
*Collaborative scoring of student work
Focus on Academic Achievement
90/90/90/ schools clearly value achievement. Observation of these schools gave great emphasis of the importance they held for individual achievement in reading, writing, math, and social science. Walking down the halls of these schools gave evidence of charts, graphs and trophies of student improvements and achievements. Emphasis is placed on the growth of individual students.
Frequent Assessment of Students and Opportunities for Improvements
Less successful schools accepted and practiced oral responses. The successful schools all emphasized the written response.
There are two advantages of the written response method:
*Students can clarify their thinking when they are required to give written responses.
*Teachers can discern where the students weaknesses appear such as vocabulary, misunderstanding directions, reasoning problems etc.
High achieving schools made it clear that no accident of geography or school assignments would determine expectations for students. These schools practiced common assessment practices and had regular exchange of student paper grading. Teachers exchange papers with other teachers. Principals would exchange papers with other schools
Successful schools lead with great flexibility in time, assessment, and flexibility.
Successful 90/90/90 schools are also very inflexible when it comes to expecting genuine improvement and achievement from their students
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Marinchek