Executive Summary By Christa Gutzler
As a former teacher myself, I have often spoke of learning from and with my students. Learning is an arbitrary concept for some but the teachers that stand in the classroom everyday are the leaders on our paths to learning. Three teachers of varying age groups, subject matter, and whose temporal and theoretical experiences vary, shed some light on how their own ambition to become teachers continues to shape the manner in which they instruct and motivate themselves and their students.
Lori Lesutis, high school Science teacher at Merion Mercy Academy for over fourteen years, remembers observing her high school teachers and their intimidating and unapproachable methods which later served as the inspiration to become a teacher herself. What were we really learning? Lori's directly inspired approach to motivating her students was her desire to contrast starkly with the way she was herself instructed. She further comments that "Teachers are there to build self esteem, share in the learning process step by step with our students, and incite our students to contribute their unique experience, insight, and collaborative donation.
My career is rewarding for both teachers and students if the teacher takes the time to be creative and design neat ways to learn, and my students deserve that and I enjoy those moments when a student is literally soaking in the knowledge you just passed on to them in front of me." So how do these teachers concoct the right formula for motivating, stimulating, and producing academic scholarship?
Both Lori Lesutis and Erin Mitchell agree that enthusiasm on the part of the teacher is paramount.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christa_Gutzler
Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom
Executive Summary By Sara Le
There is as much controversy about the effects of motivation in the classroom as there is diversity of today's students. However, there can be no doubt that intrinsic motivation can help determine the path of a student's future and has an extremely encouraging consequence on the achievement of that student.
There are certain factors that encourage intrinsic motivation, and these include challenge, curiosity, control, fantasy, competition, cooperation and recognition.
Studying, for example, should be intrinsically rewarding
In the simplest terms, intrinsic Motivation The Classroom
is what students will do to achieve without any type of external persuasion. For years, researchers and psychologists have been studying this type of motivation.
A few theories by different researchers have determined that students are more likely to be intrinsically motivated if the following situations exist:
1) The student can directly associate the educational result to the work they have invested into it.
2) The student believes they are the reason they have achieved their result, and not just luck.
3) The student truly has an interest in learning and perfecting the task.
The long term benefits of instilling intrinsic motivation in the classroom carries far into a student's life. Employers, for example, are more impressed by a job applicant whose interest in the job at hand is to increase knowledge and opportunity to train (intrinsic) than those who are interested in the pay and benefits (extrinsic).
Encouraging the development of intrinsic motivation in the classroom can increase the feelings of self-worth and self-accomplishment in students. These are valuable assets for the students to carry with them throughout life, applicable in most any situation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sara_Le
Motivating Students in the Classroom
Executive Summary By Esther Chan
It is called motivation.
Motivation can be defined in various ways. But generally speaking, motivation especially applied to education has a two part experience.
This kind of intrinsic motivation needs a certain kind of support, has to be nurtures, and has to be encouraged by individuals that play important role to the students' lives like as parents, classroom volunteers, and teachers.
So how do you motivate a student?
The pure encouraging atmosphere can instill within a student the sense of great optimism and motivation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Esther_Chan
7 Essential Student Motivation Techniques That You Must Use
Executive Summary By Honey Krumholz
Student motivation is a necessity so that the learning becomes a continuing, improving, interesting and hopefully enjoyable process.
1. Develop a trusting relationship with your students.
2. Everyone likes to make their own decisions, create their own personal choices, and have control of their lives.
3. Relate assignments and class projects to real life situations.
4. Implement a reward system.
5. Classroom games and class meetings to discuss personal topics like hobbies are fabulous for motivating students and team building.
6. Having students help with some of the many jobs that need to be done in the classroom.
7. Classroom displays help to make your classroom a stimulating and motivating environment in which to learn!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Honey_Krumholz
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